Follow Colorado Christian University Athletics on missions throughout the world...

I BELIEVED IN GOD, SO I SPOKE God's grace reaches more and more people, there will be great thanksgiving, and He will receive more and more glory. 2 Corinthians 4:13, 15

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

CCU Baseball: Costa Rica

Day 1:

What a way to bring in the New Year!  We arrived at the CCU gym early this morning to load the bus for our flight to Costa Rica.  We were greeted with a pretty hefty snowstorm, and as I write this blog now, it continues to bring heavy snowfall.  We arrived at the airport for our 11:55 flight which was delayed 30 minutes to account for the storm.  When we finally did board our flight to DFW Airport, we stayed on the plane for an hour and a half without moving, only to find that there was a mechanical issue with our plane.  We deboarded the plane and continued to wait and see where we could get our next flight.  After waiting in the airport another two hours, we reboarded the original plane that we were meant to take to DFW.  There was a greater than zero chance that we wouldn't even make our connecting flight to San Jose, but we reboarded the flight anyway.  After another hour and a half of waiting on the tarmac, we found out that there was another unrelated mechanical issue with our plane, and we deboarded once again.  As I type this, our team is sitting in the airport waiting to find out what our next move is.

All this being said, it's important to try and take something from the situation.  This trip is something we've all been looking forward to for a long time, and I can't help but think that God is working something through our team in this situation.  What that something is, I'm still trying to figure out.  We're waiting to see if we can potentially make a flight to DFW tonight and work on getting to Costa Rica tomorrow, but booking tickets for 25 people is difficult to do no matter where you're going.  We will continue to be patient and allow God to work through us, no matter where we end up.

I hope to have better news for everyone tomorrow, but as of this minute, we've been at the airport for over six hour and travelled zero miles.  I'll post again tomorrow, hopefully with better news than we had today!

In Christ,

Christian Garcia, CCU Baseball

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