Thursday Day 2...
Finally have internet back! Here's a very brief summary of what has been going on with the volleyball team for the past few days. Today we made our way to the grocery store where we filled baskets of food for families that needed them. Rice, beans, sugar, oil, toilet paper, and coffee were the main ingredients of the baskets. We went to Isabell's house; she and a group of underprivilaged women get together to make bags and clothes to make extra money. We were able to surprise them with the baskets and were able to help them raise money by purchasing their bags. These women come together with faith based fellowship and have a theme of "Virtuous Women" from Proverbs 31:10. Isabell was extremely grateful and happy to have us there.Brit Long was able to join us for the day! It's also Brooke's birthday!!

Friday Day 3...
It's Friday Friday... :) This morning, our team was allowed to split up. Half went on a beautiful hike and the other half traveled with the soccer team to Summit school. The volleyball girls watched the soccer girls run a clinic and were able to play with the local kids there. Cassidy, Jenna, Audrey, and Renee had a blast teaching the kids Ninja, learning to Salsa, and learning about the sustainability program that they raise money for to build a garden. The kids were so cute and spoke English well. We played Santa Barbara women's team and then were able to scrimmage the men's team. What a blast that was!! Erica's defense was on and the team did work from the service line. The cement court made us extremely grateful for our wood floors at home. No more complaining about diving at home!

Saturday Day 4...
Happy Birthday Audrey!!! Today we traveled to Food for the Hungry headquarters. Half the group went to the market while the other half scraped a giant cement wall and then switched. The next half painted the cement wall from light blue to yellow. The sun was hot but nobody complained. The weather has been extremely nice for us with only one major rain storm. Tonight, we played a really good club team. With the soft, setting hands of Andi, our team was able to pull off a victory. Krista successfully nailed the 12ft line! Megan was able to share her testimony with the girls and we were able to connect with them on a spiritual level. We were able to watch and cheer on the basketball girls, as well!
Sunday Day 5...
Today we were privilaged enough to attend a Costa Rican church service. It was a 2 hour long, spanish service but the message was insightful. Bear good fruit! After church we went to an outdoor market and the girls got to shop. Darren had set up a nice dinner for us at Kaffe Cafe (a local restaurant) and ate chicken lasagna with salad and pie. We gathered as a group for Bible study and had team time. I can honestly tell you that this group of girls is extremely talented and their hearts are continuing to grow spiritually!

Thank you for your continued prayers and support. We miss our parents! :) God is doing amazing things within our teams, He is working in powerful ways in Costa Rica!
love you guys and I'm so proud of all you're doing!